Nj Casino Employee License
Posted By admin On 29/03/22Parx Online Casino & Sportsbook offers the best NJ online casino and sportsbook signup bonuses. Slots, roulette, blackjack, poker, live dealer and more. 19:41A-5.2 Application for the issuance of a casino key employee license (a) An application for the issuance of a casino key employee license shall include the following: 1. A completed PHD-1B as set forth in N.J.A.C. The documents required for identification by N.J.A.C. For Casino Qualifiers, Casino Employee Registrations, and other forms specified by the Division of Gaming Enforcement (DGE), go to the DGE website. How do I file for a Casino Key Employee License? To apply for a casino key employee license you must file an application with the New Jersey Casino Control Commission or you may request that the form be mailed to you by calling 609-441-3441. How much does it cost to file an application? Costs for a Casino Employee Registration - $95. Costs for a Casino Key Employee License - Ranges from $750 to $4,000.
Section 1323 Key employee licenses

2. Each applicant for a casino key employee license must, prior to the issuance of any casino key employee license, produce information, documentation and assurances concerning the following qualification criteria:
(a) Each applicant for a casino key employee license shall produce such information, documentation and assurances as may be lawfully required to establish by clear and convincing evidence the financial stability, integrity and responsibility of the applicant, including but not limited to bank references, business and personal income and disbursements schedules, tax returns and other reports filed with governmental agencies, and business and personal accounting and check records and ledgers. In addition, each applicant shall, in writing, authorize the examination of all bank accounts and records as may be deemed necessary by the commission.
(b) Each applicant for a casino key employee license shall produce such information, documentation and assurances as may be required to establish by clear and convincing evidence the applicant's good character, honesty and integrity. Such information shall include data pertaining to family, habits, character, reputation, criminal history information, business activities, financial affairs, and business, professional and personal associates, covering at least the ten year period immediately preceding the filing of the application. Each applicant shall notify the commission of any civil judgments obtained against such applicant pertaining to antitrust or security regulation laws of the federal government, of this state or of any other state, jurisdiction, province or country. In addition, each applicant shall, upon request of the commission, produce letters of reference from law enforcement agencies having jurisdiction in the applicant's place of residence and principal place of business, which letters of reference shall indicate that such law enforcement agencies do not have any pertinent non-sealed information concerning the applicant, or if such law enforcement agency does have such information pertaining to the applicant, shall specify what that information is. If the applicant has been associated with gaming operations in any capacity, position or employment in a jurisdiction which permits such activity, the applicant shall, upon request of the commission, produce letters of reference from the gaming enforcement or control agency, which shall specify the experience of such agency with the applicant, his or her associates and his or her participation in the gaming operations of that jurisdiction; provided, however, that if no such letters are received from the appropriate law enforcement agencies within sixty days of the applicant's request therefor, the applicant may submit a statement under oath that he or she is or was during the period such activities were conducted in good standing with such gaming enforcement or control agency.
(c) Each applicant employed by a gaming facility licensee shall be a resident of the state prior to the issuance of a casino key employee license; provided, however, that upon petition by the holder of a license, the commission may waive this residency requirement for any applicant whose particular position will require him to be employed outside the state; and provided further that no applicant employed by a holding or intermediary company of a licensee shall be required to establish residency in this state.
(d) For the purposes of this section, each applicant shall submit to the commission the applicant's name, address, fingerprints and written consent for a criminal history information as defined in paragraph (c) of subdivision one of section eight hundred forty-five-b of the executive law, to be performed. The commission is hereby authorized to exchange fingerprint data with and receive criminal history record information from the state division of criminal justice services and the federal bureau of investigation consistent with applicable state and federal laws, rules and regulations. The applicant shall pay the fee for such criminal history information as established pursuant to article thirty-five of the executive law. The state division of criminal justice services shall promptly notify the commission in the event a current or prospective licensee, who was the subject of such criminal history information pursuant to this section, is arrested for a crime or offense in this state after the date the check was performed.
3. The commission shall deny a casino key employee license to any applicant who is disqualified on the basis of the criteria contained in section one thousand three hundred eighteen of this title, subject to notice and hearing.
4. Upon receipt of such criminal history information, the commission shall provide such applicant with a copy of such criminal history information, together with a copy of article twenty-three-A of the correction law, and inform such applicant of his or her right to seek correction of any incorrect information contained in such criminal history information pursuant to regulations and procedures established by the division of criminal justice services. Except as otherwise provided by law, such criminal history information shall be confidential and any person who willfully permits the release of such confidential criminal history information to persons not permitted to receive such information shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
5. Upon petition by the holder of a license, the commission may issue a temporary license to an applicant for a casino key employee license, provided that:
(a) The applicant for the casino key employee license has filed a completed application as required by the commission;
(b) The petition for a temporary casino key employee license certifies, and the commission finds, that an existing casino key employee position of the petitioner is vacant or will become vacant within sixty days of the date of the petition and that the issuance of a temporary key employee license is necessary to fill the said vacancy on an emergency basis to continue the efficient operation of the casino, and that such circumstances are extraordinary and not designed to circumvent the normal licensing procedures of this article;
6. Unless otherwise terminated pursuant to this article, any temporary casino key employee license issued pursuant to this section shall expire nine months from the date of its issuance.
People who work in casinos may require a license or registration depending on the kind of job they perform.
Non-management jobs that have nothing to do with gaming activity, even if the employee is required to go into the casino, typically do not require a license.
Non-management gaming-related employees, including dealers, security guards, cage cashiers and others, must register with the Division of Gaming Enforcement. For more information and an application form, go to the Division of Gaming Enforcement website or call 609-441-3846 with any questions.
Positions that require a Casino Key Employee License
Employees must obtain a Casino Key Employee License from the Commission if they are involved in the operation of a casino in a supervisory capacity or empowered to make discretionary decisions on casino operations. This includes pit bosses, shift bosses, credit executives, casino cashier supervisors, casino or simulcasting facility managers and managers and supervisors of information technology employees, junket supervisors, marketing directors, and managers or supervisors of casino security employees. Other employees must obtain a Casino Key Employee License if they are empowered to make discretionary decisions on the management of an approved hotel, including hotel managers, entertainment directors, and food and beverage directors. A detailed list of positions that have been deemed to require a casino key employee license can be found in the Commission's regulations, N.J.A.C. 19:41A-5.1. The Commission may designate other employees who must obtain a Casino Key Employee License for reasons consistent with the policies of the Casino Control Act. N.J.S.A. 5:12-9.

Qualification Requirements
Each applicant for a Casino Key Employee License must produce information, documentation and assurances concerning their qualification to hold the license. An applicant must establish their financial stability and responsibility as well as their good character, honesty and integrity. A general description of all requirements can be found in the Casino Control Act, N.J.S.A. 5:12-89a through d and a detailed description of all requirements can be found in the Commission's regulations, N.J.A.C. 19:41A-7.3. A casino employee who holds a Casino Key Employee License must be a resident of New Jersey, unless the casino receives a waiver from the Commission because the employee is required to be employed outside of New Jersey. An employee of a holding or intermediary company of a casino is not required to establish New Jersey residency. N.J.S.A. 5:12-89b(4).
Temporary Casino Key Employee Licenses

A casino or a holding or intermediary company of a casino cannot employ a person in a position that requires a Casino Key Employee License unless the person holds a Casino Key Employee License or a Temporary Casino Key Employee License. To request a temporary license, a casino must file a petition with the Commission certifying that a vacancy exists or will exist within 60 days, the issuance of a temporary key employee license is necessary to fill the vacancy on an emergency basis to continue the efficient operation of the casino, and that the circumstances are extraordinary and not designed to circumvent normal licensing procedures. The Commission may issue a temporary license provided a complete application for a Casino Key Employee License is filed and the Division of Gaming Enforcement concurs. A temporary license is valid for nine (9) months unless otherwise terminated. N.J.S.A. 5:12-89e and N.J.A.C. 19:41A-5.3.
Five year review

No later than five years after obtaining a Casino Key Employee License, and every five years thereafter, the licensee shall submit information and documentation to the Commission to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Commission that the licensee continues to meet the qualification requirements. N.J.S.A. 5:12-94h(1) and N.J.A.C. 19:41A-6. The informational filing due date appears on the license credential. At that time, the licensee must file a Casino Key Employee License Review Application and the required application fee if they are still working in a position that requires a casino key employee license or if they otherwise wish to maintain the license. The licensee will be re-photographed if the prior photograph is more than 10 years old.
A licensee who is no longer working in a position that requires a license may, instead of filing a resubmission, request to be placed on an inactive list of casino key employee licensees for up to five years or apply to the Division of Gaming Enforcement to downgrade the license. Persons on the inactive list must file a resubmission with the Commission before they can be employed in a position that requires a Casino Key Employee License. N.J.A.C. 19:41A-6.1(e). Persons inactive over one year should call the Licensing Unit at (609) 441-3441 for guidance before filing any forms.
License fees
The fee for the issuance of a Casino Key Employee License includes an application fee of $750, plus payment for the efforts of the Commission and the Division on matters directly related to the applicant and expenses. The total issuance fee shall not exceed $4,000. A fee of $750 is also required for the five year resubmission of information and documentation. N.J.A.C. 19:41A-8.1.
Application process
Licensing forms are available on the Forms page in the menu to the right. If you wish to apply for a Casino Key Employee License, you must complete and file either the Personal History Disclosure Form 1B, or the Multi-Jurisdictional Personal History Disclosure Form AND the New Jersey Supplement. You will be photographed when you file your application. All forms must be accompanied by the required application fee.
All applicants must be fingerprinted by the New Jersey Division of Gaming Enforcement unless digital fingerprints were previously taken by the Division. An appointment is required. To be fingerprinted, call the Division directly at 609-441-3050. The address for Fingerprinting appointments is:
Arcade Building - Entrance B
Tennessee Ave. and Boardwalk
Nj Casino Employee License
Nj Casino License Application
Atlantic City, N.J. 08401
Your application can be filed from Monday to Friday during the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at the above address. Other hours are available by appointment only. You may schedule an appointment if you wish by calling the Licensing Unit at 609-441-3441 from Monday to Friday during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
If you have any questions regarding the Casino Key Employee License forms or the licensing process, please email or call the Licensing Unit at 609-441-3441 from Monday to Friday during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
For information on employee registration requirements for positions other than those requiring a Casino Key Employee License, please go to the Division of Gaming Enforcement web site.