Ocasio Cortez 911 Comment

Posted By admin On 13/04/22

Hasan Piker, a vlogger who last year said 'America deserved 9/11,' organized an online live streaming event last night with Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) and Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) to energize young people to get out and vote.

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Ocasio-Cortez joined a group of gamers to play 'Among Us,' a popular new video game, and live streamed the event on Twitch to encourage viewers to make plans to go vote. At the beginning of the stream, Ocasio-Cortez announced an 'amazing lineup' of gamers, including Piker, who 'wrangled' the event together at the last minute.

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It was clear that Ocasio-Cortez was not making a general reference to all photos from the 9/11 attacks. The false claim originated in this tweet sent on September 12, 2019 that was then published by Politico Daily News on September 12, 2019 titled 'Ocasio-Cortez Said Images of 9/11 Incite Violence Against Women of Color' (archived here ) which. Ocasio-Cortez defended Omar by making multiple false claims and by mocking Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), who called out Omar for trivializing the 9/11 terror attacks. The 29-year-old former bartender attacked Crenshaw, a decorated war hero, by suggesting that he was not fighting for the families of 9/11 victims and saying that he should “go do something” about terrorism. Mar 06, 2019 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s scandals are reaching a critical mass. The outrage surrounding her previous missteps pale in comparison to her latest crisis. That’s because all hell is breaking loose after she made this jaw dropping comment about the 9/11 terrorist attacks. There is, apparently, nothing too dumb for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to say. Advertisement - story continues below The media darling, a democratic socialist who won a House seat from New York and hasn’t stopped posting on social media long enough to get any actual work done for her constituents, keeps lowering the bar — and then somehow. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez declared Monday night that the United States was wrong to go to war after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. The congresswoman from New York, who was until recently a bartender with no policy experience, issued the blanket condemnation of US foreign policy in defense of her fellow freshman Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota.

Last year, Piker, a Twitch vlogger and former contributor to the left-leaning news and commentary group the Young Turks, attacked Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R., Texas)—a veteran who lost his right eye in 2012 while serving in Iraq—in a videoand said 'America deserved 9/11.'

'This guy has the understanding of foreign policy of, like, a 12-year-old,' Piker said. 'What the f—. What the f— is wrong with this dude? Didn't he go to war and like literally lose his eye because some mujahideen—a brave f—ing soldier—f—ed his eye hole with their d—.'

'America deserved 9/11, dude. F— it, I'm saying it,' Piker said in the video.

Piker clarified his statement after facing criticism and said he meant America, not the American people, deserved 9/11. Twitch suspended Piker for his comments last year.

Ocasio-Cortez was scheduled to participate in an event Tuesday evening to honor the late Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin but pulled out last month after facing pressure from Palestinian activists. She has also refused to meet with multiple Jewish leaders and community activists in New York City.

Piker isn't the only gamer who has made controversial comments about the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Omar chalked up the attack to 'some people' who 'did something' at an event for American and Islamic relations in 2019. Ocasio-Cortez defended Omar's comments.

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Two holocaust survivors responded to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's concentration camp comments earlier this month, and their feelings were resoundingly negative.

AOC, D-N.Y., faced backlash for comparing border detention facilities to concentration camps during a June 17 Instagram broadcast and drew criticism from her own party. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, came out against her comments and called her 'wrong' for comparing 'entirely different realities.'

'I respect her greatly and I feel very close to her in terms of philosophy, but of course she was wrong,' he said. 'You cannot compare -- what the Nazis did in concentration camps, unfortunately, is without any historical -- I mean, it's a horrible moment in history. There is no way to compare.'

The two Holocaust survivors, Sami Steigmann and David Tuck, sat for an interview with Turning Point USA and said AOC's comments were ignorant and full of hubris.

'AOC -- look at me. My name is Sami Steigmann. I am a holocaust survivor. I went through it. How can you -- looking at my face, telling me that the camps we have in the South are concentration camps? What you are doing is you are insulting every victim of the Holocaust. Shame on you!' Steigmann said.

'I'm not only a Holocaust survivor, I was in a labor camp ... I was subjected to medical experiments and, later on, a German woman saved my life, when I came to the stage of dying of starvation.'

Tuck, who has been through four concentration camps, said AOC's comments were purely political and don't reflect reality.

'My name is David Tuck. I'm a holocaust survivor. I was in four concentration camps. We have no concentration camps [in America],' he said.

'This is just a political comment. She's in politics. She's looking out for herself. There must be a purpose, a reason. Why would she say it? She wants to be popular? You can't be popular by annihilating other people. Don't talk to me about concentration camps,' he continued.

Tuck went on to describe his experience in the camps, including the infamous Auschwitz camp in Poland and called America the greatest country in the world.

'The first camp was Posen Stadium. And then I went to Auschwitz. Then I went to Mauthausen, then I went to Gusen,' he said. 'Out of every 10 Jews, nine were killed. I was lucky. I still have the number on my arm. Nobody can deny that the Holocaust ever happened to me.'

'I'd wake up in the morning and I'd say 'Please God, let me see the light the next day,' Tuck added. 'When I heard that we are free and I looked up in the sky and I said, 'tell me, where can I go?' And I came to America ... It's still the best country in the world. Enjoy life. We have no concentration camps here. God bless you all.'

Blanca Ocasio Cortez

AOC told her Instagram followers the U.S. government is 'running concentration camps on our southern border.'


'That is exactly what they are. They are concentration camps,' Ocasio-Cortez said during a live-stream. She told her followers she wants to talk to people 'who are concerned enough with humanity to say that 'never again' means something.'

'The fact that concentrations camps are now an institutionalized practice in the Home of the Free is extraordinarily disturbing and we need to do something about it,' she continued

AOC received backup from Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn, who supported her remarks during a Thursday interview with Public Radio International and tried to defend her usage of the word 'concentration.'

Ocasio Cortez 911 Comments

'When you look at what is taking place, people are being put in camps. And when you think about the definition, if we separate it from death camps, I would say these are camps and people are being concentrated in them. And so that's the general definition,' Omar said.

Cortez Ocasio 911 Comments

AOC isn't the first person to compare border processing to death camps. Last June, MSNBC host Joe Scarborough compared the processing of illegal immigrants to the murder of Jewish prisoners by the Nazis.

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'I know children are being ripped from their mother’s arms, even while they’re being breastfed. I know children are being marched away to showers,' he said. 'I know they’re being marched away to showers, are being told they are. Just like the Nazis had said that they were taking people to the showers and then they never came back.'