Results Ngo
Posted By admin On 15/04/22The results: It is not enough to carry out projects and activities. An NGO must achieve tangible results in improving the lives of the people it serves. Good governance: Your NGO should have a volunteer board of directors that governs the organization ethically and effectively. Governance is the set of activities through which a board. Use results to know if you are on the right track. Since most meaningful results are hard to reach, we either need stretch goals or a flexible timeline. Measuring progress, using different indicators, learning, and adapting are key to achieve results. Organizations which are independent of government involvement are known as non-governmental organizations or non-government organizations, with NGO as an acronym. NGOs are a subgroup of organizations founded by citizens, which include clubs and associations that provide services to their members and others.

- Results-based management is the technique most commonly used by donors and the NGO sector to assess programme effectiveness. The key elements of results-based management are: Identify clear and measurable results – ie what a project aims to achieve. Define them at different levels, including ‘outputs’, ‘outcomes’ and ‘impact’.
- Element Management by Activities Management for Results Objective To build wells in 15 communities Stated as an expected result: “Improved and sustainable usage of clean & safe water by families in 15 communities in region X”. Indicator # of wells built # of people (m & f) using well water; level of satisfaction by the community with the well water; level of skill by local.

Results are changes that we expect to take place after implementing the project activities. The results are generally positive experiences undergone by the beneficiaries.
Results are divided into three types:
1. Outputs
2. Outcomes

3. Impact

Horse Racing Results Ngong
Outputs are immediate results that we achieve soon after the completion the project or any specific project activity. For example, if a training on human rights is carried out in a project, the output or the immediate result of it is “a greater understanding of human rights amongst the participants.”
Results Ngo
The outcomes are results that have been or that are to be achieved after a period of time, but not immediate. In the above example, it could that “the participants have gone further to communities to inform them about human rights or carrying out policy advocacy in favor of human rights.”
Results Ngo
The impact is the longer-term result that has happened because of the activities undertaken in the project. The impact in the example given above could be “policies are framed by the Government to protect the human rights of the people.”