Results Oriented
Posted By admin On 28/03/22A result-oriented organization and the creation of a culture that supports it definitely isn’t the lone way to a company’s success — but its effectiveness cannot be denied either. The goal here is to learn the different things that make the methodology so effective, and how it can be applied to any organization. Take a look on the benefits and best practices:
- Results Oriented Meaning
- Results Oriented Examples
- Results Oriented Skill
- Results Oriented Interview Questions
- Results Oriented Meaning
- Results Oriented Synonym
The benefits of a result-oriented organization
Results Oriented – Opportunities for Effectiveness with Tasks and People: In order to accomplish a lot of tasks, people with the DiSC Classic Profile Dominance style needs to lead high performing teams where the goals are the group’s goals, not just the goals of the Dominant leader.
- Oct 28, 2015 The result-oriented actor looks at the experience as an obstacle to their desired result. Goal-oriented actors are present and available in their auditions. Result-oriented actors can be.
- When we get to 'oriented,' we realize that our first interpretation was wrong. We have to go back to 'danger' and reinterpret the whole thing. This is annoying, time-consuming, distracting, and generally interferes with smooth comprehension.
- Results-oriented leaders are rated as good leaders 14% of the time; People-oriented leaders are rated as good leaders 12% of the time; Leaders with both strong analytical and social skills are rated as good leaders 72% of the time.
Creating an operating culture that puts the biggest premium on results tend to be very successful — one of the primary reasons behind it being that many client are, by nature, result-oriented too. They couldn’t care less about the how; what only matters to them is that the output they receive is of high quality, and that they receive it in a timely manner. Especially in an operating environment where it’s easy to blow budgets, clients want results that maximize their budgets and resources — organizations and companies that align with this need will also find themselves much more in-demand than their competitors.
Better, superior operations
One of the things that drive a result-oriented organization and a result-oriented working culture is that both individuals and teams be able to discern or recognize when something is broken or needs improvement, or when certain processes do more to hinder progress than lead to more efficient task and / or project completion. As such, everyone will keep a sharper eye out for ways to make processes more effective and efficient. Having a result-oriented workplace culture means that there will be a continuous drive to make the means to get to those excellent and high-level results quicker, more cost-effective, and productive for every stakeholder involved.
Leaders and decision-makers who have a result-oriented mindset will always be asking questions such as whether or not there is enough transparency in the organization that enables sufficient stakeholder access to data that is needed to make teams and individuals coordinate, communicate, and collaborate better. They will also want to know if there is a review or feedback process in place that allows people to take stock of how a current process is doing, so that they can build on its strengths and weed out imperfections and inefficiencies. Questions like, “Are we striking a balance between efficiency and quality?” or “Are we utilizing the right talent to get things done?” will also be constantly asked, which again, eventually leads to better operational performance, both in the short and long run.
Happier, more satisfied employees

Everybody knows that employees are the backbone of EVERY company, regardless of the industry. Employees that are treated well and shown that they are valued tend to perform better and be more driven to help the company succeed. With a result-oriented approach, common issues like nitpicking the small stuff such as timekeeping, adherence to protocols and procedures can be avoided since it’s the output that matters. Sure, certain rules still need to be in place, but many organizations often fall into the trap of focusing too much on the processes to the detriment of employee morale — and by extension the detriment of the quality of these employees’ work. A result-oriented and performance-based culture also tends to be more flexible, which also means more support for flexible careers and work from anywhere arrangements, which a highly valued by employees. This in turn means higher retention and development of the company’s talent pool.
High levels of collaboration, cooperation, and communication
No success is ever achieved by an organization whose members were poor communicators or poor collaborators. ALL of the innovations we have today (across all industries) was ultimately achieved through the collective effort of many people. But the unfortunate truth is that too many companies still operate where it is difficult for everyone to work across the many departments and / or teams that comprise the organization. A result-oriented strategy and approach empowers both rank-and-file employees, as well as managers and leaders, to not only have the initiative to work across their own groups, but also the capability to better understand how other teams and groups work. This leads to a much stronger organization where missing links can easily be filled in a pinch, and both individuals and teams collaborate much better and get things done much faster because of their better understanding of each other’s roles and duties.
This is why it is important for organizations that want to have a result-oriented workflow to find the right talent — people who are open to working with others and have the right mindset and attitude for collaboration. One of the keys to a successful result-oriented system is for people to freely share knowledge, knowhow, and skills with each other.
A much more adaptable organization
Result-oriented organization are typically much more dynamic and adaptable. The very nature of such an organization allows its members to be more responsive to any sudden changes in its operating environment or market. With leaders capable of making informed and sound decisions in response to the fast-paced changes that many industries are undergoing, a result-oriented approach ensures that these leaders and decision-makers are also supported by a whole organization that is capable of executing new mandates and instructions quickly. This capability is key to a company’s ability to survive; failure to have such a capability can spell disaster. Factors like a sense of urgency, a capability to prioritize tasks properly, and a learning culture are all developed in a result-oriented organization.
Better use and utilization of resources
Since everyone is much more concerned with efficiency, it’s only normal that resources are much better utilized as a result of this effort as well. On the whole, everyone has at least a general understanding of what needs to be done and what it will take to get there — so the use of things like time, materials, and funds become much clearer at the get-go. There will be of course, inevitable changes along the way, but in the grand scheme of things, resource management will be down pat in a result-oriented culture.
Best practices in creating a result-oriented culture
Naturally, planting and creating a lasting result-oriented culture in the workplace will be for naught if it isn’t implemented correctly. So here are a few pointers and tips to keep in mind for those who want to establish a result-oriented workplace culture:
1. Have the right mindset across EVERYONE in the organization.
It’s important that EVERYONE is on board in the event you want to establish a result-oriented culture. This means cultivating and encouraging the proper mindset throughout the organization; members of the c-suite and leadership shouldn’t just be on board in name only — rank-and-file employees should also see their leaders and decision-makers take the change seriously. It’s also important to explain to every stakeholder in the company about what a result-oriented culture is, and what it means. Be open to suggestions and make sure that everyone has a chance to be heard.
2. Be diligent in collecting feedback
3647 of suggestions, no initiative really gets off to a 100% successful start, which is why it is important to collect as much feedback as possible. Be prepared to receive harsh criticisms and strong reactions to the initiative, and utilize the data you collect to improve the program and the organizational nuances of the culture as you go along. Especially these days, when more and more millennials are joining the workforce, feedback on the way they work is especially important. This allows managers and leaders to align the results and output of their employees with the larger scope and vision of the company.
3. Foster more open channels of communication

Part of what makes feedback collection successful is the blurring of the traditional barriers between managers / leaders, and employees. This means that each side is more amenable not only to receiving feedback from each other, but also being able to communicate much more openly and freely in general. Don’t stick to the old and outdated mindset of managers talking down to staff. Red tape and bureaucracy have no place in the modern workplace — in fact, they often lead to delays, needless expense, wasted time and resources, and frustration among all the stakeholders involved in these processes.

Results Oriented Meaning
Organizations should recognize that employees who are traditionally expected to “follow orders” have valuable insight into possible areas of improvement in operations, and thus, they should be given the opportunity to speak freely and share their thoughts on what can be made better. This in turn helps develop critical thinking, makes employees feel more valued, and fosters are stronger sense of camaraderie and collaboration throughout the organization.
4. Employ the right tools
It is important for the organization to have the right tools in their toolbox to get the job done. Collecting data, monitoring progress, being able to communicate quickly with stakeholders, and having efficient digital tools for collaboration are some of the cornerstones of a successful workplace with a result-oriented culture. These, and many others, are what’s innovative and pioneering digital suite of workflow management tools bring to the table.
The platform is customizable to fit any organization or company’s specific needs and requirements, and will be sure to help them implement, maintain, and improve their result-oriented culture initiatives every step of the way. Certain tasks can be automated, freeing up manpower and resources to focus on more complex tasks, and various information and data in the workplace can be easily quantified and collected.

This in turn helps managers, leaders, and decision-makers be more equipped and empowered to make sounder and more informed decisions that will help steer their company to success and longevity. We are running free trial, so, go ahead and take a peek inside!
One of the biggest challenges faced by current business organizations is building teams and retaining the talents within while maintaining measurable results. The way employees work has changed drastically over the years. People no longer appreciate a highly corporate or regulated environment. Employees want flexible working hours and autonomy of work. Failing to reach this requirement often creates an issue of work-life balance in business organizations. This leads to unhappy and non-productive employees. And the performance of the overall business will start to fall.
As a result, many managers are being trained in enhancing teamwork through focusing more on results rather how many hours their team members put in per day or week. Many modern business organizations, especially those that are welcoming of millennials, are incorporating this strategy.
Why is a Results Oriented Approach More Important Than Number of Working Hours?
The world has become saturated with digitization and globalization trends. These trends allow people to become distracted and lose focus easily. However, the same trends allow them to be more productive in less time. Moreover, we have a fast-paced business world where results are more important than how many hours it took a person to produce them. Globally, performance is preferred as compared to competing over how much time someone has invested.
If daily and annual goals are being met, it means the teamwork is effective and so is your role as a manager. Either employees work from home or simply spend fewer hours at the office, your main focus should be on being results oriented.
Work-life Balance
If your business market is becoming competitive and complex, so are the personal lives of your employees. Nowadays, people have as much responsibilities outside of their work life as within. With the rapidly increasing pace of life, employees are pushing for work-life balance. If you allow your team to work from home twice a week or let them complete unfinished tasks at home, you are allowing them a better chance at maintaining a balance and experiencing less stress in the workplace.
Results Oriented Examples
Sense of Accountability
Teamwork often decreases the autonomy of a single member but you can create accountability by trusting them with flexible working hours. A level of trust will make them more motivated, which adds to the value of teamwork.
Increased Focus
With flexible hours, employees are less likely to feel stressed. With limited hours, they feel rushed, scattering their focus. With the ability work on their own terms, they are likely to produce better results even with fewer working hours.
Results Oriented Skill
Decreased Office Visibility
With more work from home chances, the visibility within business premises decreases, which is not always a good business solution if your company experiences a lot of foot traffic. However, a balance can be maintained and results can be measured.
Results Oriented Interview Questions
Many managers and senior employees (who follow the traditional 9-to-5 workday) will find it hard to adjust with these modern traditions. However, training can help in establishing positive behaviors towards such changes.
Results Oriented Meaning
Although this type of flexibility and results-oriented culture may not work in every office, managers can play a major role in improving teamwork results by applying this strategy as applicable to their team and subsequent goals.
Results Oriented Synonym
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