Results University
Posted By admin On 11/04/22After admissions selection, results are posted in your account here at in the 'Application' section.
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UG / PG / Professional Degree Examination Results - April 2020(Arrear) Published on UG / PG / Professional Degree Examination Results - April 2020(Final Semester) Published on UG (II & IV Semester ) / PG (II Semester) / MCA(II & IV Semester ) Degree Examination Results - April 2020 (Published on ) UG / PG.
Where can I find my results?
Your results are listed in two places in your account here at
- on the 'Application page'
- in a PDF document called Notification of Selection Results - you'll find the link on the 'Application page'
Understanding your results
There are several different results you may find on your admissions application.
This means that you've been offered a place in the course or programme.
There are two reasons a course/programme is deleted:
- you didn't meet the entry requirements, for example due to missing documents, verification difficulties or insufficient knowledge of English
- you've been offered a place in a course or study programme you gave higher priority to in your application
Reserve or Res
This means you've been placed on a waiting list.
Not processed
Late applications will be marked 'Not processed'. Late applications are processed after selection at the discretion of the university, if places become available.
Conditionally admitted and your tuition fee
Students who are required to pay tuition fees will be listed as 'Conditionally admitted' on their Notification of Selection Results. Your status will still be listed as 'Conditionally admitted' even after you've paid the tuition fee. This is because our computer system can't record when a student has paid the first instalment to their university.
Please note: There are other reasons why an applicant may have been conditionally admitted. If this is the case, you'll receive instructions from your university about what you need to do to finalise your acceptance.
Official copy of your Notification
Your notification is available online as a printable PDF file, so no hard copy is sent by regular mail. The print-out serves as the official document and should be used when you need to present an official copy of your selection results.
No reply required for First round
If you applied to the first round for the autumn or spring semester, you don't need to reply to your offer here at Further contacts regarding registration, textbooks, housing, etc. will be made with the university you're planning on attending. Welcome to Sweden!
If you decide not to attend the course/programme you've been offered a place in, please be sure to decline it. You can do this right here at in your account. This makes the place available for students on the waiting list.

Reply required for Second round
If you applied to the second round for autumn or spring semester, you must reply to your first Notification of Selection Results in order to keep the places you've been offered, or to remain on the reserve/waiting list for the second selection round.
For the second Notification, you don't need to reply to courses you wish to keep, but should decline those courses you aren't planning on attending. This makes those places available for students on the waiting list.
It's possible to appeal decisions regarding your eligibility for courses and programmes you've applied for, after you've received your admissions notification.
Not all admissions decisions can be appealed. It's important to find out what can and cannot be appealed before submitting one.
What can be appealed?
You may appeal decisions made on your Notification of Selection Results regarding whether you meet the general and specific entry requirements for a specific course or programme.
Other decisions cannot be appealed, such as:
- late or incomplete applications,
- cancelled courses or programmes or
- the selection result - whether or not you were offered a place.
Instructions for writing an appeal
There is specific information you must include in your appeal. You can use the Appeals guide or submit a written appeal.
Appeals guide
The easiest way to submit your appeal is to do so online using the Appeals guide. Log in to your account here at and go to the ‘Documents’ tab. Follow the instructions there for submitting your appeal. You must include the following:
- what decision you’re appealing
- why you think the decision should be changed
- what change you're requesting
- indicate the date you received your admissions results
You can upload documents in support of your appeal, if you’d like, right in the Appeals guide
Written appeal
You can also submit your appeal in writing, using the regular postal service for delivery. In your letter, include the following information:
- what decision you're appealing
- why you think the decision should be changed
- what change you're requesting
- which university the appeal concerns
Begin the appeals letter with 'To the Higher Education Appeals Board'.
Appeals form

You are welcome to use the appeals form we've created, though it is not required. If you decide to use the form, enter your data on screen and then print out the form.
Please note the form is not designed to save your data. Print it directly after completion.
Submitting your appeal
The easiest way to send in your appeal is by using the appeals guide here at this website. You can scan in your supporting documents and upload them in the guide.
If you don't have access to a scanner, you can also submit your appeals letter/appeals form by regular post. The address is:
R 312
Results University Of Limerick
When can I submit my appeal?
What you're appealing is your admissions decision, as indicated on your Notification of Selection Results. You must first receive your notification before you can submit your appeal.
Results University Of London
The appeals form must reach University Admissions in Sweden no later than three weeks from the date you read your admissions decision.
Is your appeal for Chalmers University of Technology, Ersta Sköndal Bräcke University College, Stockholm School of Economics, Jönköping University, The Red Cross University College of Nursing, Sophiahemmet University College, Johannelunds Theological University College or University College Stockholm? If so, your appeal must begin with 'To the Vice-Chancellor' as these universities themselves are the decision-making authority for the appeal.
Response to the appeal
First, the university will review your appeal to see if there are grounds to reverse their decision. The university will then forward your appeal to the Higher Education Appeals Board. The decision that the Appeals Board makes is final and cannot be appealed.
New documents in support of your application
Results University Of Sargodha
As stated earlier, you can appeal decisions regarding whether you meet the general and specific entry requirements. If you wish to submit new documents in support of your application, please do not include them with an appeals form/appeals letter. Instead, submit your documents separately to University Admissions as soon as possible.
In order for your new documents to be considered, you must reapply.
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