Slots Aeroport
Posted By admin On 11/04/22

Slots Aeroporto De Congonhas

The World’s Leading Airport Slot Coordinator. Airport Coordination Limited (ACL) is the world’s leading Airport Slot Coordinator, working with 46 airports across the globe to ensure efficient use of capacity and better operational performance for the benefit of airport operators, airlines and passengers. Download Company Profile. A landing slot, takeoff slot, or airport slot is a permission granted by the owner of an airport designated as Level 3 (Coordinated Airport), which allows the grantee to schedule a landing or departure at that airport during a specific time period. The Worldwide Airport Slot Guidelines (WASG), provide the industry with a single set of guidelines for airport slot management and allocation. The slot planning process is the essential back bone to allow the industry to plan operations to the world’s most congested airports.
Slot Aeroporto Significato

Slot Aeroportuali
As for slots, considering the fact the TLV airport is extremely congested and the traffic passes though it is increasing by more than 10% each year for the past 5 consecutive years, it is becoming more and more difficult for airlines to obtain suitable slots needed for their flights. Not only for additional ad hock or charter chains, but also for season schedule operation (for airlines looking to increase the capacity or add additional routes). Considering this situation in order to obtain the suitable slots, a simple filing of a request is not sufficient. We are proactively constantly working with the Israeli coordination center and airport management on the slots of our customers, and ensuring that the requirements of the airlines will be fulfilled as much as possible (taking into consideration the applicable constrains).