Results Keto

Posted By admin On 25/03/22

Life Choice Keto Diet Pills will help you lose weight faster and easier than at any time in recent memory with the Advanced Ketogenic Diet! These innovative pills contain only the ingredients needed to achieve real results. Furthermore, best of all, THE KETO DIET WORKS. One review even says that the ketogenic diet can aid digestion and control. 90 Day Keto Results. If you’re just starting the keto diet, a food journal specifically for keto like this one can help you to stay on track. Track your meals, macros, mood, fasting times and movement daily to spot helpful and harmful patterns that help you achieve your weight loss and health goals.


The effect that keto has had on all my period-related issues has been one of the best unexpected keto results. Since starting keto my face has stopped breaking out the way it used to when my period is on its way. Sure, I still get the occasional little pimple, but they don’t stick around too long. What if we told you that indulging in all the butter, cheese, and steak you want can help your energy levels soar, crush cravings, and melt inches off your frame? Well, those are the lofty results the ketogenic (or keto, for short) diet promises—and the actual outcomes aren't that far off.

I’ve been so pleased recently to come across more and more stories on the internet of women having success on the keto diet.

Not just losing weight, but in some cases completely turning their lives around!

Improving things like energy, mood, sleep and most importantly, happiness!

So, I decided create this page.

A motivational resource, where I can add more and more success stories as I find them.

Results Keto

If you have a success story or a before and after you’d like posted here, get in touch!

This first video is from Tasha of She lost 50lbs in 4 months on the keto diet.

A Year of Keto: Laura talks about how she has lost 60lbs on keto.

This is Laura’s before and after picture – the difference is astounding! Read the full article here.

This Stop Motion video of Amanda’s transformation on keto is nothing short of amazing!

(Amanda’s original post in reddit is here)

Here’s Suzanne talking about how she lost 21lbs in the first month of keto, and continued to lose weight so she has now lost a total of 37lbs in 10 weeks.

“What Ketosis can do to your body in 6 months when you lose 74.95lbs…”

(from reddit)

Here’s Jolene talking about her success of losing 22lbs in 3 months

Look at the Face Change in this lady after losing 30lbs on keto!

(click the ‘next’ button under the image)

Here’s Leanne Vogel talking about how her body changed in 6 months of eating keto (including blood work results)

Here’s an beautifully honest and transparent video from Kayla talking about her 5 month keto transformation

This is a gorgeous and open video from Alvina showing her transformation in body and in life.

And this is an incredible face and body comparison after losing weight on keto!

(click the ‘next’ button under the image to see the amazing difference)

Here’s Michelle sharing her latest weigh in which shows a 100lb loss overall!

I just cannot believe what a difference a few months has made to this lady!

(from reddit)

Here’s Judy who has lost 100lbs and come off all her meds for high blood pressure, diabetes, diverticulitis, GERD, and COPD

This is Chantalle talking about how she has lost 35lbs in 2 months of keto eating

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading and listening to these stories as much as I have!

I will definitely keep updating this page as I find more and more women who are having success on the keto diet.

To your keto success!

Our Ketogenic Calculator is based on the Ketogenic Ratio Formula (K/AK, Ketogenic/Anti-Ketogenic), which was originally used for epilepsy patients. The formula gives you the potential ketone ratio of any meal, depending on the macronutrients of the meal.

To keep yourself in a state of ketosis, you need to have a ketogenic ratio value of more than 1.5.

Ratio must be higher than 1.5 to induce ketosis


  • calories
  • g carbs (%)
  • g protein (%)
  • g fats (%)
Unfortunately an error has occurred, please try again!

Keto Diet First Month Weight Loss

How To Use The Keto Calculator

Almost all other keto calculators are nothing more than low carb calculators. They don’t meet the K/AK equation, as these calculators are not designed for the anti- ketogenic nature of proteins.

Keto Ratio Description

  • Less than 1.5 – not a healthy balance. The body will not register ketones
  • 1.5 To 1.6 – Mildly ketogenic where ketones will likely be registered
  • 1.6 To 2.0 – A good state of ketosis where most people will register ketones
  • More than 2.0 - Very ketogenic! Almost everyone will see ketones

Why Do We Say This is the BEST and Most ACCURATE Calculator?

  1. As we mentioned above, other calculators do not take into account the anti-ketosis ratio of protein. They simply list the entire protein amount as being ketosis friendly, which isn’t true.
  2. Our calculator will help you set up an appropriate and safe calorie deficit.
  3. By setting a safe amount of protein intake, you will keep your lean muscle and lose only unwanted fat.
  4. Our calculator determines your macro NEEDS based on your unique specifications, not simply some generic percentages.

When you keep carbs low you will lose weight. Eating enough protein will ensure that you lose only fat, while eating plenty of fat prevents you from feeling hungry and keeps you feeling satisfied with your food.

Why Does My Body Fat Matter? Can't I use My BMI?

BMI and body fat are not the same measurements. Body fat measurements are needed to actually calculate lean tissue mass. This measurement allows the calculator to determine how much protein you can eat each day to stop you from losing muscle. Eating too much or too little protein can lead to unwanted, even dangerous, consequences.

You can get an accurate reading of your body fat with a DEXA scan. Almost all gyms and many doctors will provide this if you ask. If you can’t get a DEXA scan, use the old fashioned calipers which every gym will provide. You can use our body fat calculator if you are unable to get a measurement any other way.

Activity Level

In order to use our calculator, you will need to determine your normal, daily activity levels. Although you might have exceptions to the rule (a yearly company softball game does not make you an athlete), try to consider your overall activity level.

  • Bed-rest (BMR): Basically, would apply only if you are bedridden. You can also choose this if you want to use just the BMR value for calculations.
  • Sedentary: This means only life’s basic tasks, including doing dishes, cooking meals, mowing the lawn, etc. Unless you are breaking a sweat for 30 minutes each day, consider your activity levels to be sedentary.
  • Lightly Active: This would mean exercise or light sports 1-3 days a week, easy jogging, walking briskly and other activities for 30 minutes or so each day. If you are on your feet most of the day, such as a store clerk or a teacher, you can consider yourself lightly active.
  • Moderately Active: If you have an outside job that requires physical work, such as a construction worker, if you exercise at the gym regularly or do sports 4 to 5 days a week.
  • Very Active: This category includes heavy physical work, regular exercise at a gym, or sports 6 to 7 Days a week. If you are a bike messenger, sanitation worker, or do spinning classes almost daily, you would fall under this category.
  • Weight Training: Weight or strength training 3-4 times a week.

What Does the Calorie Deficit/Percentage Deficit Mean?

Most people choose the ketogenic diet because they want to lose weight. This means creating a deficit of calories. Health experts recommend cutting back 500 calories each day. One pound of body fat contains approximately 3500 calories. Cutting out 500 calories each day would result in a weight loss of about 1 pound per week.

However, a percentage based deficit makes more sense. As our bodies drop weight, we need fewer calories. This is why, after a period of time, people stop losing weight or lose it much more slowly. A percentage based deficit is based on how much body fat a person has.

The recommended deficit is 15 to 20%.

NB: 'Maintenance' and 'No Deficit' will yield the same result

Ketogenic/Anti-Ketogenic Nature Of Macronutrients

In case you are new to the keto diet plan, some foods are rather ketogenic, others are not. We call these keto-friendly foods and anti-ketogenic foods.

The basic macro intake you will be aiming for on the keto diet is approximately 70 to 75 percent of your calorie intake from fat, somewhere between 20-25 percent from protein, and then 5 to 10 percent of your daily calories will come from carbs.


Carbohydrates are 100 percent anti-keto foods. Once digested these foods turn into glucose and raises insulin levels.

The end goal of a ketogenic diet is to be in a metabolic state known as ketosis. We do this by limiting carbs from the diet. The body actually has no need for carbs, but it does need a small amount of glucose.

Speaking only in the context of dieting, you can either increase dietary protein to cover the increased need for glucose or simply eat a few more grams of carbohydrates to provide them directly. Both have the same end result.

Somewhere between 15-50 grams per day will limit the need to break down protein and will allow protein requirements to be set lower than a diet providing essentially zero grams of carbohydrates per day.


Fats are about 90 percent keto friendly. Only 10 percent of fat will become glucose after digestion. Fat is not only tasty, but it’s good for you! Take a quick look at these facts:

  • Very low fat diets are so tasteless and boring, almost no one sticks to them. They leave people hungry for more, while moderate amounts of fat blunt hunger pangs and leave you feeling more satisfied.
  • Diets containing moderate amounts of fat cause people to stick to their diets.
  • When moderate amounts of fat are consumed, blood sugar levels are more stable, causing people to snack less.
  • Essential fatty acids, such as omega3’s, are more easily consumed in diets that contain moderate amounts of fat.

A minimum fat consumption ratio should be 0.22-0.33 g/lb. (0.48-0.72g/kg)


Proteins are a bit of both, with about 46 percent of the food being keto friendly, and 58 percent of protein becoming glucose after digestion.

Compared to carbohydrates, increasing protein consumption tends to keep blood sugar (glucose) more stable while dieting. This is important because when blood sugar levels drop, it can spark feelings of hunger and cravings, especially for carbohydrates.

Results Ketogenic Diet

Assuming you are inactive, the minimum protein levels you should consumer are 0.55 g/lb for female and 0.65 g/lb (~1.2 g/kg and 1.4g/kg) of lean muscle mass.

Urine Test Results Ketones Trace

**Warning** Eating too much protein will cause your body to produce glucose, which will prevent you from staying in a state of ketosis and weight loss. You can always check to see if you are still in ketosis by using keto strips or sticks.

Keep your carb consumption low, hit your protein goal, and eat enough fat to avoid feeling super hungry. You don't need to take in extra fat if you don't want to. If you are feeling lethargic, be certain that you are consuming plenty of electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals.


Is Being in Ketosis Necessary For Weight Loss?

Quick Results Keto Reviews

As we mentioned above, the keto ratio was designed to help those with epilepsy, not as a weight loss diet. Being in a state of ketosis was a side effect, so to speak, more than something doctors were seeking.

By keeping carbohydrate consumption lower and protein intake moderate, you automatically accelerate fat oxidation and thus fat loss. Being in ketosis is NOT necessary for weight loss.

A ketogenic/low carb diet is about so much more than losing weight! It’s about lowering your insulin levels, increasing fat oxidation, and raising catecholamine’s.